• Help Ukraine - A Personal Message from Patti

    Help Ukraine - A Personal Message from Patti

    In times of crisis, we feel the humanitarian desire to come together and help those in need. However, it can sometimes feel overwhelming how to help, especially when the issue is far beyond our immediate reach. As many of you already know, Patti (the owner and friendly face of Bee Inspired Too) is passionate about appreciating and supporting artisans and their work – it’s the overall premise of her business. So, she was understandably compelled to take action when she discovered that her favorite Etsy shop owner, Natasha, published a call for help.

    Natasha is the owner of Kinzzza, a shop that handmakes linen clothing and accessories. She and her studio workers live in Kharkiv, Ukraine. Due to the recent conflict that is unfolding in Ukraine, there is a desperate need for help as the Ukrainian people fight for their lives and freedom.

    If you are interested in helping, this is a direct line to those who urgently need it most. As Etsy’s platform does not manage donations, Natasha has found a creative way to raise funds. She has made a digital file available on her Etsy shop. By purchasing this file you are in fact donating $10 to Natasha, her team, and their families as they continue to seek safety and sanctuary from military forces.

    The donation can be made here:

    Thank you for taking the time to read this message. We wish you all happiness, peace, and health.