Southern Snacks

Mimi Maumus is the chef /owner of home.made in Athens, Georgia. Born & raised in New Orleans, Mimi enjoyed regional cuisine based on the change of seasons and local availability.

Her family’s garden included mirlitons, figs, tomatoes, green beans, and pecans which her father would transform into classic Louisiana dishes and southern favorites. Weekends fishing at Shell Beach led to days spent in the kitchen with her family, radio on, cooking trout meuniere, jambalaya, blackened redfish, and boiled crabs.
Mimi’s grandmother, Jane LeGardeur, (aka: Ma) enjoyed canning the food grown in her own garden. Ma shaped Mimi’s love of cooking preserves, pickles, and chutneys. Her pepper jelly was a prized gift during the holidays, as were her tomato chutney, bread & butter pickles, and strawberry jam.
Her specially crafted goods available for purchase include nuts and some lovely cheese straws which you can get either gluten free or original.

While earning her undergraduate degree in psychology, Mimi worked in independently owned restaurants, where she was given the freedom to experiment, create and learn. Her love for the kitchen grew through the years and eventually became her career path. From chicken fingers to pizza to breads to brandade, Mimi has done an extensive kitchen tour of duty, all the while finding her own food style...right back in her childhood kitchen.